Junior doctor staffing is currently too low for current needs and resources across the country, needs are not being met.
'Junior' doctors, are actually highly trained professionals, and there are too few of them in this country. They push themselves everyday, stay hours beyond the time they should have gone home, to meet the needs of their patients, despite the lack staff. This is called goodwill, and the NHS runs out on it. They care about their patients, they care about humans. They do this, because it is the right thing to do. They give their time, but they all give a bit of themselves, a lot of themselves.
It is a high stress, high stakes role, and not one they take lightly.
The government want to impose a new contract (so much for democracy) that WILL endanger patient lives and patient care. Negotiations have broken down, because the government have confused the nature of 'negotiation' with imposition. They have pushed the junior doctors to the point where they have no options or avenue to raise their concerns, they are pushed into the tightest corner. They deeply know how the system is already currently teetering on the edge of safety. This contract will push it overboard in the most destructive manner.
Doctors are humans. If they are exhausted, they will make mistakes, by the very nature of being human. They know this. Cognitive scientists know this. The general public knows this. It is common sense.
Doctors do not want patients to come to harm. They don't want the NHS to fall apart, and be left to be torn apart by those with financial interests in private companies. An NHS that has already been paid for, for decades, by the public. That has been built in a spirit of cooperation over decades. It is a marvel to see it in action as a system.
Let's not let it go.
This is gravely serious. The outlook is beyond awful if something is not done.

Wow just seen this on FB. Look at the number of vacant gaps in junior doctor rota! #mindtherotagap #patientsafety

Anon Leak emailed to me: NHS Consultant Makes Desperate Plea for Staffing Help
#mindtherotagap #safestaffing
After being repeatedly asked about the funding put aside to fund the 7 day elective service the Tories have been talking about - 'there is no pot of money'.
Things are going nuclear over the NHS – cartoon
Jeremy Hunt may have abandoned his ‘nuclear option’ of imposing a contract on junior doctors, but the issue still has a toxic afterlife
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