Thursday, September 18, 2008

Things I don't like about my job...

1 - Abuse
  • from patients
  • from other staff

Abuse is abuse, no matter who you get it from, or whatever the background, or how you try to make it ok in your own head, or however much you try to ignore it. Be it threatening behaviour and drug seeking by someone who isn't very nice, to an angry cancer patient still coming to terms with their diagnosis, or a power tripping member of staff.

It still hurts.

2 - Ethical issues

  • isolated
  • compounded by confidentiality

There is never a 'right' answer. All shades of grey. Never simple. Never straightforward. Whatever course of action you take is going to seriously impact on someone's life.

3 - Constantly being short-staffed, and thus having to work extra long hours, regularly, unpaid, adding to an already packed, stressful day.

It's exhausting. There is only so much a human can do. Mistakes could easily happen. And even if you raise concerns, asking for more help, you end up being told that people have dealt with it before you, so you should be perfectly capable of dealing with it too.

4 - Breaking bad news

No matter how carefully it's given, it's still bad news.

5 - Bland food in the canteen. hrmph.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I've been thinking about this for a while...

... and I would really like to work on an allotment. But I have a problem, well maybe a few...
1- Given my job, I move around a lot. Come August, I don't know where I'll be in the country (or whether I'll have a job. (eek!)) - I could theoritically work on one for only a year maybe...
2 - I don't know much about gardening - but I could learn
3 - I don't know of any local to me
4 - Not something I want to do alone.

Maybe, one day, I'll settle down in an area, that has an allotment, and discover one of my friends is also interested...
I can always dream...
But until that day...

allotment series- cookery

allotment blog

life on a london allotment