Saturday, September 30, 2006

Poem: What The Doctor Said

He said it doesn't look good
he said it looks bad in fact real bad
he said I counted thirty-two of them on one lung before
I quit counting themI said I'm glad I wouldn't want to know
about any more being there than that
he said are you a religious man do you kneel down
in forest groves and let yourself ask for help
when you come to a waterfall
mist blowing against your face and arms
do you stop and ask for understanding at those moments
I said not yet but I intend to start today
he said I'm real sorry he said
I wish I had some other kind of news to give you
I said Amen and he said something else
I didn't catch and not knowing what else to do
and not wanting him to have to repeat it
and me to have to fully digest it
I just looked at him
for a minute and he looked back it was then
I jumped up and shook hands with this man who'd just given me
something no one else on earth had ever given me
I may have even thanked him habit being so strong

Raymond Carver

Sunday, September 24, 2006

a satrical exam

written in the 1970's, so not the most politically correct thing i've come across (with stuff i quite frankly disapprove of), but it is an interesting take on exams.
science/knowledge related sayings.
some of my favourites:

Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before. Steven Wright

In his youth, the born poet often wavers between science and literature; and his choice is determined by the chance attraction of one or other of the alternative modes of expressing his imaginative joy in nature. It is essential to keep in mind that science and poetry have the same root in human nature.
Alfred North Whitehead

Man who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt man doing it. Chinese proverb
Chinese proverb - outside noisy, inside empty

The Parable of the Pebbles
